Dr Debbie Smith, Plettenberg bay, Garden route, Bryanston

The most comprehensive Urinary tests for Hormones – The DUTCH test

Hormone production can be greatly changed by aging, stress, poor nutrition and other environmental factors. Disturbed conditions in the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone may contribute to the development of osteoporosis, breast cancer, infertility and cardiovascular problems. And acne and increased hair growth may be due to hormonal disturbances.

Stress Hormone Analysis

From the adrenal glands the body’s stress hormones known as cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are made. These hormones are released not constant throughout the day, but follow a cycle where secreted most of the morning and at least in the evening. The balance between the two stress hormones is very delicate, and mental and physical stress can affect it. This can have a negative impact on our health. An increase in cortisol level and a low level of DHEA is the sign that the body is in a stressed state and the adrenal glands can not handle the stress. It can have several negative consequences. For example, it can affects a person’s energy level, the emotional state, increase risk of infection, and can be experienced as general malaise. At elevated cortisol levels also decreased levels of IgG antibodies, which protect the intestines from pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The results gives an in-depth analysis of a person’s stress hormone cycle. The treatment can be targeted. Imbalances in stress hormones can be remedied with diet, supplements, exercise and lifestyle changes.
The most comprehensive Urinary tests for Hormones – The DUTCH test

Dutch complete Urinary hormone profile

It is possible to reduce the risk of estrogen-stimulated cancer. There are several forms of estrogen in the body: oestrone (E1), ostradial (E2) and estriol (E3). If large quantities of oestrone is converted to the strong form of estrogen, 16-hydroxy-oestrone (16-OHE1), it can cause some cells reproduce rapidly. This can lead to the growth and spread of tumors. Oestrone may also be converted to 2-hydroxy-oestrone (2-OHE1), which is a “good” type of estrogen. The more 2-OHE1 produced, the lower 16-OHE1 can be produced. This may have a protective effect against cancer. The 14-OHE1 is also vital as a mesure for oestrogen that can increase cell growth.

2/16 ratio can be increased by eating more foods that contain indole-3-carbinol (I3C). I3C is found in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. A food supplement containing I3C or diindolylmethan (DIM), which are closely related to I3C has also been shown to increase the ratio of 2/16. A follow-up analysis is recommended to ensure that your treatment plan in the long term is effective. Additionally recommended: crushed flaxseed and soy isoflavones, omega-3 oils, as well as exercise.

To have these test done feel free to make an appointment. 

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