The most comprehensive Urinary tests for Hormones – The DUTCH test
Stress Hormone Analysis
Dutch complete Urinary hormone profile
It is possible to reduce the risk of estrogen-stimulated cancer. There are several forms of estrogen in the body: oestrone (E1), ostradial (E2) and estriol (E3). If large quantities of oestrone is converted to the strong form of estrogen, 16-hydroxy-oestrone (16-OHE1), it can cause some cells reproduce rapidly. This can lead to the growth and spread of tumors. Oestrone may also be converted to 2-hydroxy-oestrone (2-OHE1), which is a “good” type of estrogen. The more 2-OHE1 produced, the lower 16-OHE1 can be produced. This may have a protective effect against cancer. The 14-OHE1 is also vital as a mesure for oestrogen that can increase cell growth.
2/16 ratio can be increased by eating more foods that contain indole-3-carbinol (I3C). I3C is found in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. A food supplement containing I3C or diindolylmethan (DIM), which are closely related to I3C has also been shown to increase the ratio of 2/16. A follow-up analysis is recommended to ensure that your treatment plan in the long term is effective. Additionally recommended: crushed flaxseed and soy isoflavones, omega-3 oils, as well as exercise.
To have these test done feel free to make an appointment.