Nifty self-healing tool
Nifty self-healing tool
I have been looking for a tool that you can use to help you treat and open your meridians and balance emotions. I have found it!!
The Chinese Medicine acupuncture ring.
This nifty little massage ring can be used on your fingers and toes to gently ease away stress, tension, and all sorts of aches. The acupuncture ring stimulates the neural systems of your hands or feet, helping your body to release those feel-good chemicals needed for better physical and psychological health.
Simply massage any of your fingers or stimulate massage any of your fingers or toes with this silver-coated ring to stimulate your acupuncture points and relieve your acupressure points and relieve everyday aches and pains.
How it works:
Your hands are extremely sensitive and have the human body’s richest neural system. Rolling the ring on your fingers stimulates the acupuncture points in this neural system. This promotes the release of “feel-good” oxytocin and pain relief, improved circulation, stress release, and faster healing.
What are acupuncture rings?
The Chinese medicine acupuncture ring also known as a finger massage ring is a durable stainless-steel wire shaped into triangular spikes bent in a circle. More often plain: they may be gold or silver-plated to enhance their healing benefits. One size fits all.
How to acupuncture ring works
By stimulating the acupuncture points and reflexology zones on the hands and fingers, the internal organs and bodily functions are stimulated to bring the energetic functions of the organs and body into balance.
When can you use an acupuncture ring?
They are easy to use can be used any-time, anyplace, for however long you like. Simply roll up and down on each finger 20-40 times to activate acupressure points in the fingers. For the maximum benefits at least 5 minutes each day is recommended. In the case of any pain or discomfort cease their use immediately and seek advice.
How do you use an acupressure ring?
Place a ring over one finger and using the fingers of the other and using the fingers of the other hand roll it up and down the finger.
Alternatively- place a ring over one finger and roll that finger across the palm of the other hand to massage the finger and a palm simultaneously. Finger rings can also be used in just the same way on the toes!
Acupuncture rings benefits
Activates invigorate acupuncture meridians. Naturally boosts energy. Helps concentration, awareness. Relieves stress and anxiety. Durable, portable, and effective.
Specific Ailments
On the thumb or big toe, for 2 minutes twice a day: Soothes headaches, toothache, stiff neck, tension, insomnia & colds. On the little finger or toe, for 2 minutes twice a day: Relief of tension in the hands and feet.
On the middle & ring finger or toe, for 3 minutes twice a day: Relieves knee-joint pain, stomach pain, back pain, ankle pain & calf pain.
On the first & middle finger or toe: Improves digestive system & lung functions.
Can be used to balance emotions as well.