Dr Debbie Smith, Plettenberg bay, Garden route, Bryanston

The benefits of meditation

Benefits of meditation

As we start to unwind from the year we hopefully can look forward to more time to relax.

Why not try to fit in a few meditation sessions this holiday?
Meditating doesn’t have to feel overwhelming by setting aside long periods of time.

The benefits of meditating include:

·       Reducing pain, anxiety, depression and stress

·       Strengthens the immune system

·       Improves concentration and creativity

·       Decreases pain and blood pressure

·       Gives you clarity on your life purpose and helps in decision making

How do I start?

·       Set aside only 3 minutes

·       Schedule the time around an activity like waking up, after breakfast, or at the end of the workday. You can set a quiet tone on your phone to keep track of time.

·       Choose a location where you feel comfortable and unlikely to be interrupted.

·       Get comfortable, you can sit, lie down, stand or walk.

·       Take deep breaths to focus on your breathing deeply. Some people count their breath, while others prefer to repeat a word to themselves (silently or aloud).

·       Be kind to yourself there is no wrong way to meditate, so be accepting of whatever happens, if you find your mind wandering bring it back to your breathing and how your body feels.

·       Pay attention to how your body feels from the scalp all the way down to your feet. Identify the area that feels relaxed or tense, and how you are holding your body.

·       Reflect – after meditating take a deep breath and think about how you feel. Do you feel different? Is your breathing slower? Are you more relaxed?

·       Figure out what works for you. A rich array of advice can be found about how to meditate. Take only what you find works for your daily routine.


Common Obstacles :

·       Not enough time – but you only need 5 minutes

·       Don’t know how – we’ll now you do!

·       Too stressed out – that’s the perfect reason to begin

·       It’s not for me- most human cultures have mediated

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